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About Us

Gymnast to Gymnast

Our Mission Statement

Our mission as a non-profit is to empower and create confidence in young female gymnasts in third world countries.

How We Will Accomplish Our Mission

We will do this by donating leotards, equipment, and funds to aid in their training, training facility, and self-confidence in the gym. We believe every gymnast should have access to fundamental training equipment that can provide them with the resources to excel in gymnastics.

The Message

Our Founder

Hi, I am Rhegan Duncombe! I am the founder of the non-profit Gymnast to Gymnast INC. At the age of sixteen years old I found the organization, originally from St. Louis, Missouri.  I will begin my junior year in the fall of 2021 at The Out-of-Door Academy. I aspire to be an orthopedic surgeon and want to focus on the foot and ankle. At six years old I began my gymnastics and at the age of twelve I moved to Florida with my family to further my gymnasts career. At fifteen I had to stop gymnastics due to multiple injuries. During my gymnast career I was able to win multiple accolades at state and regional levels. With my new found freedom I was able to spend more time with friends. Other things I enjoy in my free time are watching basketball, interior design, and cooking and baking. Gymnast taught me so many different life skills and has helped shape me into the woman I am today. I am so excited to be given the opportunity to help others and I hope you will join me in this mission!

- Rhegan Duncombe

Our Inspiration

My dad’s side of my family is originally from the Bahamas. I was a gymnast for
most of my life. Growing up, when I would travel to the Bahamas to visit family, I
would have the opportunity to train at local gyms. My first impression when I
visited two of gymnastic centers in the Bahamas was that the equipment was not
equivalent to that which I was used to training. This struck me because I
understand the importance of adequate equipment for competition preparation.

Secondly, in my visit it was apparent to me that some of the girls did not have the
proper training attire and other equipment necessary for everyday practice. Some
girls wore swimsuits and others wore athletic shorts and sports bras. Witnessing
this first hand, I felt that I could offer a helping hand. Immediately, I wanted to find
a sustainable way to send leotards, spandex, and sport bras to the gymnasts in
the Bahamas. And so, the initial idea for Gymnast to Gymnast INC was born. As the
idea of Gymnast to Gymnast INC evolved, collecting monetary donations toward
operational and equipment costs became the clear second step.

Who Are Our Beneficiaries?

We would like for Gymnast to Gymnast INC to benefit young female gymnasts and
the gymnastic centers in the Bahamas. The young female gymnasts’ ages vary
from elementary to high school.

What Do We Want Our Beneficiaries to Gain?

We hope that Gymnast to Gymnast INC can help young female gymnasts in the
Bahamas gain confidence in their practice. We believe that further access to
fundamental training equipment will open new horizons for our beneficiaries to
excel in gymnasts.